Customer Service


Q: What kind of consumables does Accura32 use?
A: Accura32 is suitable for 0.2mL thin-walled 8-tube strips.

Q: What is the maximum ramp rate of Accura32?
A: 8°C/s.


Q: What extraction reagents are suitable for this instrument?
A: The Singu32 is suitable for general nucleic acid extraction reagents and rapid nucleic acid extraction reagents produced by Singuway, as well as whole blood genomic DNA nucleic acid extraction reagents.


Q: Are the extraction reagents suitable for Singu20?
A: No, this instrument requires TM-36 nucleic acid extraction reagent, specially designed for Singu20.

Q: What kind of items can be extracted with this instrument?
A: Singu20 can be used for nucleic acid extraction of routine DNA/RNA, feces, bacteria, whole blood, and sputum.

Extraction reagents

Q: What is the difference between the rapid extraction reagent and the regular extraction reagent?
A: Rapid Extraction Reagent has faster extraction speed and is suitable for nucleic acid extraction of simple samples such as nasal swabs and pharyngeal swabs.
Regular nucleic acid extraction has wider adaptability to sample types.

Q: Is the regular extraction reagent suitable for all samples?
A: No. The regular nucleic acid extraction reagent is mainly suitable for the extraction of swabs such as nasal swabs and pharyngeal swabs, serum and plasma samples, cervical exfoliated cells, etc.